In the 1700’s, at the height
of the industrial revolution, canals cut across the green and pleasant land of
Britain. They were to the 1760’s what railways were to the 1860’s; the veins of
commerce pumping life from city to city, keeping the heart of industry pumping.
Canals were densely packed virtually all the way from Liverpool to London via
all the big manufacturing centres such as Birmingham and Sheffield in order to transport
large materials or items in a mass and speed that was unachievable on roads at
the time, especially for large freight such as coal (the price of which dropped dramatically once it could be transported in
bulk by canal, as opposed to the more costly, time consuming and inefficient
transport by road) When the railways came, however, the efficacy of the
canal was trumped. Trains were much faster and could carry even more freight.
In time, transport of goods via train became cheaper, too, and use of the
canals declined.
Throughout England’s
history, 56 canals have been abandoned, either reclaimed by nature, left as
water-less ditches or filled in and urbanized. One such abandoned canal was the
Newcastle-under-Lyme canal in Staffordshire. But why have I decided to write
about a canal that was opened in 1800 and officially closed in 1935? What on
earth is Victorian about that? Well, sometimes I find it can be more fun
researching 19th century events that are a little lesser known to
the greater world. I find it can add fine detail and almost ‘humanize’ the
behemoth that is the Victorian period if a little story like this is examined
rather than a big story, such as, say, a war.
So, why am I writing about a
now-disused canal in Staffordshire?
Well, in April 1894 the
canal witnessed an act of Victorian heroism that is still commemorated in the
area to this day.
The Newcastle-under-Lyme
canal ran alongside London Road in Hanley, Staffordshire (although now there is no trace of it) and this road was served by a
tram. On 13th April 1894, the conductor of the tram was twenty-two
year old local man Timothy Trow, and as his tram approached London road,
four-year-old Jane Ridgeway was playing on the towpath…
Richard H. Weir, in his
1980’s Staffordshire-themed book ‘Six of
the Best: A Potteries Companion’ describes the events that took place next:
‘Imagine the scene in 1894.
In those days London Road was a cobbled highway, resounding to the screech of
steam-trams as they slowed to a halt near this spot. Between pavement and
water's edge were iron railings and a row of tall trees. As a tram drew close
at 4 o'clock, one April afternoon, its young conductor heard screams coming
from the canal. He looked up and, seeing a little girl, terrified and flailing
desperately to stay afloat, wasted no time in vaulting the railings and
plunging into the chill water to her rescue. By fate's intervention, he was
tragically seized by a violent cramp and sank like a stone to the bottom. The
child was later pulled out alive.’
A more detailed – if less
pleasing to the imagination – version of the incident was reported in a
midlands newspaper three days later following the coroner’s inquest:
The Sad Death of a Tramway
On Saturday Mr. J. Booth
(coroner) held an inquest on the body of Timothy Trow (22), a conductor in the
employ of the North Staffordshire Tramways Company, who met with his death
while attempting to save a child from drowning. The previous afternoon deceased
was in charge of the car working on the London Road section of the tramways.
About a Quarter past four o'clock, just as the car was about to start from the
West End terminus, attention was attracted by the sound of a splash in the
adjoining canal, and on observing that a little girl had fallen into the water,
Trow at once ran to the canal and jumped in to the rescue. He walked part of
the way across, until be was up to the waist, when he suddenly sank very much
deeper, and called out to his fellow workman, the engine driver, that he had
the cramp. He appeared to become helpless, and a Mr. Henry Lloyd, of Berresford
Street, Shelton, entered the canal to his assistance.
Deceased got hold of and
struggled with to Lloyd, who was ultimately obliged to leave him to ensure his
own safety, and Lloyd, being also seized with cramp, had to he assisted on to
the towing-path. In the meantime the child had been rescued by John Forrester,
of Wellesley Street, Shelton, who also made an attempt to reach the deceased,
but without avail. Everything, in fact, was done to rescue Trow, but the
efforts proved futile, and the body of the deceased was not recovered until
about half an hour later.
The Coroner said that there
could be no doubt that Trow lost his life in an heroic attempt to save that of
the child, and appeared equally clear that the conduct of the other persons
present when this distressing fatality occurred was very laudable.
The Jury returned a verdict
of “Accidental Death.”
- Birmingham Daily
Post, April 16th 1894
Such was the empathy of
local people for Trow’s actions they collected money for a memorial to be
erected to remember him. The obelisk is still standing today, as can be seen
below, sitting next to where the towpath of the canal would have been until
The Obelisk on London Road Today |
So there we have a tiny
piece of the nineteenth century jigsaw to add to the whole wonderful patchwork
puzzle. Old newspapers can be an excellent source to find stories such as
these, and even lesser stories, long forgotten by everyone, but which deeply affected
people at the time they happened. I know its something I keep saying, but if
you like history and enjoy researching, then I do recommend you try and get
hold of an old newspaper and scan through the pages, it’s a great way to pass
an hour or two!